Clash of Clans Haunted by a Dead Ghost Clan Leader...Creeps out Players

2015-09-30 1

Clash of Clans CoC tips tricks More and more people are getting engaged in playing mobile games like the famous Clash of Clans. A lot of people claim that they are playing Clash of Clans to lessen the stress they are feeling, while others simply say that they just wanted to enjoy.

But then recently, there's a creepy story about Clash of Clan that's circulating online! The Clash of Clans players were mystified with this mysterious clan that they tag as the ghost village that was created by a dead clan leader. This story has created a debate and sent creepy vibes to the players of the game. A Clash of Clan player posted on social media that the ghost clan was at LVL 59 and can be found using the search tag #9QLU9CY8 but then every time a player would attempt to discover the said ghost village the game would crash down.

Rumors claim that the ghost village belongs to Angarkey Rikhi who is also the leader of DEDAM77BERADIK clan, but the surprising part is when people claim that the Malaysian clan leader is already dead.

However, a lot of people claim that ghost village was a just a glitch and people have nothing to worry about!

Do you think that these creepy stories are real? Let the whole world know about this story!