Foreign Countries Providing Arms to Syrian Terrorists

2015-09-30 2


The escape of the armed Syrian terrorists to Lebanon and also smuggling weapons to Syria is still a matter of concern.

US ambassador to Lebanon Maura Connelly had earlier asked Lebanese officials not to track the Syrian armed escapees.

Some Lebanese officials have opposed the policies of the US and asserted that they cannot allow another "Ashraf Camp" to come into existence in Northern Lebanon.

To justify its illegal acts, Israel has also announced that it has sold a huge cache of weapons to Qatar, however the Qatari government has edly delivered them to Syrian opposition forces without informing Israel about it.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army found in Homs a very advanced operation room in which the terrorists, linked to foreign sources, were using modern satellite and communication devices. During the operation they gathered information on the activities of this west-controlled operation room.

A large number of Israeli made weapons were confiscated in Syria, as the Syrian army continues to restore order and security especially in Homs and its countryside.

Based on the statements of Qatari and Saudi officials, it seems that the both countries, just like the US and other European states, are keen to see more violence in Syria, away from a peaceful solution for the crisis, as foreign backed armed men continue to destabilize the country.

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