New Rob Ford Drug Video Surfaces As The Toronto Mayor Seeks Treatment

2015-09-30 3

New Rob Ford Drug Video Surfaces As The Toronto Mayor Seeks Treatment
New Rob Ford Drug Video Surfaces As The Toronto Mayor Seeks Treatment
New Rob Ford Drug Video Surfaces As The Toronto Mayor Seeks Treatment

Toronto's scandal-plagued mayor Rob Ford, who has admitted binge drinking and taking drugs, has said he was taking a break to seek help for substance abuse. His lawyer Dennis Morris said Mr Ford would attend a "facility that assists people with substance abuse difficulties". Mr Ford has been campaigning for re-election despite having had his duties reduced in the wake of the scandal. The Toronto Sun ed that Mr Ford would be taking a month to address his problems. It also ed he had been recorded again at a local bar, ranting drunkenly about his political opponents.Toronto Mayor Rob Ford headed to rehab this morning amid allegations of a new crack video and an offensive audio recording.

Scandal-plagued Mayor Rob Ford made the announcement moments before The Globe and Mail published screenshots of a second video of him smoking crack ...

Infamous Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has put his re-election campaign on hold to seek professional help for substance abuse. On Wednesday he announced his ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is taking a leave of absence and pausing his re-election campaign to treat his alcoholism. The controversial mayor issued a statement ...

Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper is ing that it has seen two videos of Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking what appears to be crack cocaine, as Ford took ...