Biden Recreates 911 Call: 'Oh My God, Oh My God! He's coming!'

2015-09-29 406

V.P. Biden Spoke today at the YWCA USA National Conference to discuss womens issues and stressed the importance of using 'high tech' capabilities in order to not drop women's 911 calls in cases of domestic violence.

"Last time I was down, I had them turn on one of the calls. And a young women, a young women was on the phone saying "I'm calling. Oh my god, oh my god. I see him, he's coming. I'm standing between Radioshack and Gap. I'm in the mall Please, please, oh god!" That's the reality. And I love these people who why don't these women have the courage to get up and leave. Can you imagine the courage it takes to pick up that phone and make the call. We should all have so much courage."funny videos,video humour,video drole,videos droles,amazing video,video chute, video drole chute,chute, Oh My God, He's Attacked Somebody Rob Ford Goes ...

Joe Biden Defends Jobs Plan 'Not Temporary' Cites Rape, Murder, Guns, Police Examples.

My step 3 PR product.

What I made while trying to figure out how to use my editing software.

4.4.2012 V.P. Biden Spoke today at the YWCA USA National Conference to discuss womens issues and stressed the importance of using 'high tech' capabilities ...

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