KRK Uses Shahrukh & Salman Khan To Have $EX?

2015-09-29 73

Well some people never change and when it is someone like KRK would he ever? Recent reports say that Kamaal R Khan said that he had used the names of Salman and Shahrukh to lure girls by saying that he is their brither. Well those who believed him obviously paid a heavy price for they realised much later that it was a big dhokha.

As for Bhai and the Chennai express star we know they ain't gonna affected for they are genuine and true and do not resort to such stuff.

If KRK feels that he is gonna get into the good books of the janta by owning up that he used the Khans' names well he is mistaken for it is difficult to get your name back if you fiddle with star names in the industry and there are many who would vouch for it. Are we talking about a Honey Singh? Heh heh.