Beware of the Messianic Jews; Salvation is of the Healthy Gentiles and not of Sick Jews.

2015-09-28 15

Beware of the Messianic Jews; Salvation is of the Healthy Gentiles and not of Sick Jews.

Hi Brother,
Salvation is of the spiritually healthy Gentiles and not of the spiritually sick and dead Jews who killed Jesus for what reason? John 8v44:- You Jews belong to your father, the super bastard fanatic devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer proved in Killing Jesus and they wanted to kill Joseph but Yahweh protected him. Joseph knew that they are his staunch enemies but he showed them the mercy of Abraham. These Super Bastards are so Saltless that even today they hate the generations of good Joseph, the Samaritans. That is, from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. That is why Jesus kept quiet when these Liars were accusing him falsely and this Jewish woman is their Salt praising those Killers. These were the One Lost Sheep Jesus tried his best to Redeem them and they killed Him. This Saltless Jewish people, especially of the Judah tribe who made Fake sons of Abraham through circumcision, will repay for Killing Angel Stephen, the Administrator of the First Church of God for exposing their lucrative business of making fake sons of Abraham through circumcision. These Messianic Jews keep on praising their Rotten Torah, the Old Cloth full of Holes, Corruption, the Jewish leaven forbidden by Jesus but they have no idea why the Western Wall of the Temple has been left intact till today or in whose name John, the Baptist baptised Jewish men and Jesus in water? Anybody knows why John, the Baptist never baptised a woman or a Gentile? I know it.

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