Opinions split in Madrid about Catalan regional vote

2015-09-27 23

If the pro-independence bloc wins Sunday’s (September 28) regional election in Spain’s Catalonia region, it has said it will start a process that will lead to a unilateral declaration of separation from Spain in 2017.

As voting continued in Catalonia, euronews correspondent Carlos Marlasca spoke to people on the streets of the Spanish capital, Madrid.

“I’m against this process,” said one woman, “because I think Spain should remain united. I like the unity”.

“From my point of view, things must change,” said her companion. “I don’t know if they should be independent or not, but I agree the relations between both sides should change”.

“I hope the best option will prevail, both for the Catalans and for Spain in general,” she said.

“And even if the ‘yes to independence’ wins, I don’t think Catalonia will split from Spain,” said her friend.

“During the last few years we have seen a lot of anger and hate between the two sides. And only the future generations will be able to fix i