Veil Nebula the Witch’s Broom Nebula

2015-09-25 4

Veil Nebula the Witch’s Broom Nebula.

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope imaged three magnificent sections of the Veil Nebula in 1997. Now, a stunning new set of images from Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 capture these scattered stellar remains in spectacular new detail and reveal its expansion over the last years.

Revisiting the Veil Nebula

The Veil Nebula (ground-based view)

This image shows a small section of the Veil Nebula, as it was observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This section of the outer shell of the famous supernova remnant is in a region known as NGC 6960 or — more colloquially — the Witch’s Broom Nebula.

Small section of the Veil Nebula

NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team

Music Tracks thank you to
Scott Gratton Electro Lab, Moment Of Magic and Sergey Cheremisinov Morning City
