Rockefeller Attached Cybersecurity Bill to NDAA 2014

2015-09-24 2

Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to NDAA 2014

Senate approves National Defense Authorization Act, moves on nominees

Vowing to Prevent 'Cyber Katrina,' Senators Propose Cyber Czar

Bigger, Badder NDAA 2014 Quietly Passed the House and Senate -- and It Is On the Way to Obama's Desk - See more at: have decided on the details of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2014. Leaders of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees have ...

Soundcheck at Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway January 26th - opening night of the 2012 winter tour of Norway.

Rockefeller attaches cybersecurity bill to NDAA 2014 Senate approves National Defense Authorization ...


On Tuesday, The House Arms Services Committee began considering the National Defense Authorization Act of 2014. The bill will appropriate funding to the US ...

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