Duffy Amendment Helps Those At Risk of Homelessness

2015-09-24 0

This amendment takes $10 million of the currently unappropriated $100 million in the homeless assistance grants title of the bill, and puts it towards the rural housing stability assistance program. This program provides funding for people that are at risk of being homeless, not already living on the streets. This is especially helpful in rural areas where families are doubled or tripled up in a 1 bedroom apartment, or living on a friend's couch.This amendment takes $10 million of the currently unappropriated $100 million in the homeless assistance grants title of the bill, and puts it towards the rural ...

U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) questions Treasury Secretary Jack Lew as to his knowledge of Lois Lerner's emails and when he knew about their ...

U.S. Representative Sean Duffy (WI-07) offered an amendment to allow up to 98000 pounds for logging trucks on a 12 mile stretch of I-39, between Rib Lake ...

"Mr. Walz, I think you said, the Taliban got their top 5 draft picks in exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl. Good trade?" Mr Walz: "Absolutely not."

U.S. Congressman Sean Duffy (WI-07) takes a different angle to communicating with constituents. He posts #selfies with everyone from constituents, notable ...