Teenage boy walks 300 MILES to save his dog from war-torn Syria

2015-09-23 21

I’m going to make this an open thread but you are going to love this story, especially if you love doggies:

BARKPOST – Seventeen year old Aslan is one of the many recent Syrian refugees to arrive on the island of Lesvos in Greece. Aslan, and others like him, were forced to flee their homes due to the terror of war. They left behind their possessions, their shelter and, sadly, their pets – except for Aslan.

Aslan refused to part with his tiny dog named Rose. Aslan packed enough food and water for the two of them in one backpack and then he placed Rose in a pet carrier and he walked over 300 miles, fleeing the only home they had ever known.

Once it was time to cross the Mediterranean, people told the boy that he could not bring Rose with him. He refused and even made his own “passport” for her. His determination paid off and the best friends remained together.