Super Mario Brothers remake highlights plight of Syrian refugees

2015-09-22 12

A Syrian artist has re-imagined the popular 1980's Nintendo game, Super Mario Brothers, to highlight the difficulties faced by Syrian refugees as they flee from their war-torn country, the BBC ed on Saturday.
The original Nintendo game features an American Italian plumber named Mario who races through various perilous situations as he fights to rescue a princess hidden away in a castle. He faces dangerous turtles, fire breathing dragons and killer mushrooms.
In the revamped version of the game, designed by a 29-year-old Syrian man based in Turkey, Mario is replace by a Syrian refugee in a white shirt and a red baseball hat as he makes the dangerous journey to Europe. The refugee encounters smugglers who rob him of his money as he dodges border police and jumps over border fences intended to block his way to safety. The character is also seen attempting to cross a large expanse of ocean, mimicking the treacherous journey refugees take in an attempt to find safety in Europe.
More than 4 million Syrians have fled civil war in their nation in the last 4 years, according to the United Nations' refugee agency.
According to UN s, one million more people will be displaced within Syria by the end of the year if the war there continues unabated, potentially adding to the flow of refugees to Europe.

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