Anna Ponting & Paul Ponting - Danoli Solutions LTD - Computer & Laptop Repairs Ormskirk

2015-09-22 80

Paul Ponting & Anna Ponting - Computer repairs Ormskirk - my former employers shouting at me and making false allegations. This is the real account for this video and this video that are still online. Once these are removed so will this video be. Computer & Laptop repairs Ormskirk run by Paul Ponting of Danoli Solutions LTD on New Court Way. He offers laptop repairs, iphone repairs, ipad repairs in Ormskirk. He is obsessed with me Paul Turner - check out his website of obsession dedicated to harassing me and the Police - - Does this guy sound normal to you? He also runs this website which is the company I worked for Thats his computer and laptop repair shop in Ormskirk where he works and Anna Ponting. The guy is obsessed by me even a year after the court case he somehow won. He calls me a grass but contacts the Police on a weekly basis about me and the things Im supposed to do! Who is the real snitch here? He has also harassed every Police officer involved in this long drawn out case. He attacks them still today and yet calls them all the time about me. Paul Ponting from the Ormskirk Computer and Laptop shop ladies and gentlemen. I have made this video available again after he has continued to update his website with more crap and stalks my online activities. He even attributes unknown accounts to me calling me a racist! The guy is not only deranged but he has a dangerous obsession towards me and needs help. #computerrepairsormskirk #laptoprepairsormskirk #paulponting #annaponting #danolisolutionsltd
P.S. I will remove my video when that nut job starts removing his.