Book - Chapter 23:- Four communities of Religion - PREDICTIONS - 1.

2015-09-21 7

Book - Chapter 23:- Four communities of Religion - PREDICTIONS - 1.



Everything that happens in the world does so according to the "Will of God", our Supernatural Father and not to the designs of SATAN. Therefore, a good grasp of the Gospel in the capacity of the "spirit of man", holy spirit or common sense called “Surtti” in Punjabi, can tell you all that is happening and what should we expect to happen in the near future.

Presently, we are passing through GREAT TRIBULATIONS PERIOD (GTP), which started in May, 1948 when Israel was established in the fulfilment of Matt. 13v24-30 that the Tares would be bundled up at the End of the Age and burnt. The Final Burning or the Atomic War is expected soon after Israel is 70 years old. During this GTP, there shall be many riots, both sectarian and non-sectarian, in which the "tares" and "merciless" people will kill and burn each other. In the East, the people will be very cruel whilst in the West they would be sympathetic. Middle East will be between the two.

The criteria of destruction are laid down in the New Testament (N.T.) as well as Ad-Granth. It is much more explicit in the N.T than in the Ad-Granth Sahib of the Sikhs. In the N.T. Jesus outlined in Matt.13.24-30: “…….. At that time I will tell the harvesters (Angels): First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn” and it is stressed again in Matt.15.13: But He answered and said, "Every plant (person), which my heavenly Father (Yahweh) hath not planted (everyone who shall forget his tribal integrity), shall be rooted up (shall be killed alongside his supporters)". The same has been stressed by Christ Nanak, "BEO BEEJ PATT LAE GAE, ABB KEUN UGHWAE DAAL" i.e. those people who shall not forget their tribal "seed", will remain honourable.

Now, many do not know why Jesus was named Jesus called YeShua in Hebrew? It is a compound name consisting of Ye = Yahweh and Shua or Shiva = Adam. Thus, Jesus was the “Seed” of Yahweh, the Creator demiurge god and Mary was his Surrogate Mother whilst Joseph of Judah tribe his Foster father. Jesus being the Second Adam came as floating on earth with no place to rest his head leaving no mark on earth and He was buried in a newly built Burial Chamber. Same way, the name of Nanak is hardly known to any Sikh. It is made up of Na = no and Nak = shame of the secular world (Nose) in that he didn’t obey his secular father but he was Solitary pleasing our spiritual Father ParBrahm, Allah, Elohim, etc.

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