Valsad: People across India are celebrating the 10 day-long festival of Ganesh Chaturthi, in honour of the god of wisdom and prosperity, Lord Ganesha. Devotees place idols of the elephant-headed god in their homes or on elevated stages in public places and then immerse them in rivers, lakes or the sea. But, Naina Desai never immersed the idol because Lord Ganesha never allowed her to immerse idol after 10-day long festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. The number of idols has reached to 45 which have never been immersed. "Lord Ganesha wants to live at my home and he never allowed me to immerse his idol after the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. Different obstacles come to my way whenever I did preparation to immerse idol of Lord Ganesha," said Naina Desai.
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