2 Nice Blues Licks - Guitar Lesson

2015-09-19 33

http://bitly.com/mastergtr 2 Nice Blues Licks - here are 2 nice licks for you work on. They are almost the same, but the second one has a surprise twist at the end! Your hand slides quickly way up on the fretboard, and the result is a hip sounding line, which also becomes a spring board for another cool line [for you to add!]. This is also a form a a call-response lick, and this approach always works great over blues tunes. Let me know your feedback!

Gear: I used a Hagstrom Swede with Porter Pickups from http://www.porterpickups.com
The amp: Skyraider SR-15 from http://MackAmps.com
The fantastic reverb is from Room & Verbs for EZ Mix 2, from https://www.toontrack.com/

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I'm a guitar instructor in Canada, and I provide guitar playing lessons and gear advice, as well as gear demos.

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2 Nice Blues Licks - Guitar Lesson by Robert Renman