Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - Why the present Muddle in Amritsar? - 30.
Chapter 22
Four religious communities of India.
Similarly, the Kashmiri Sarsuts used to be known as "GURU BRAHMAN" but to-day just the opposite; they are the "GURU sons of SATAN" especially the one who became the so-called Muslims. But the people of Khatri tribe always surpassed the people of tribes devoted to the BRAHMAN VARN so much so that there is a proverb, "PUTT JAMAN KHATRANIAN KOI KOI BAHMANIAN" i.e. the sons of Khatris are far superior in religious knowledge than the people of tribes doing the work of BRAHMAN VARN.
Thus, the political situation in the Kashmir Valley shall be worse than that in Sri Lanka for it is the home of the satanic Sarsuts and Khatris turned Mullahs. Further, the Gaur Brahmans of Kurukhshetar were known as the "ADI-GAURS" but to-day, they are the most ignorant Brahmans of all.
Now, the HARMANDIR SAHIB is supposed to be the monument of humility but to-day you find it having expensive gold plated domes, priceless artefacts, etc. all to the foolishness of the Jatt King Ranjit Singh Sandhu. Instead of a humble HARMANDIR, it was changed by the MUNN MUKH so-called GYANIS into a showpiece similar to the Hindu temple of JAGAN NATH so that the people could visit the place just to admire its decorative beauty but not to learn some lessons in humility.
In fact, at the times of King Ranjit Singh, a musician of HARMANDIR SAHIB in the name of Bhai Mansa Ji set a good example of humility and contentment by distributing the money donated to him among the poor whilst the MUNN MUKH Sodhi Khatri Sant Singh, the so-called Gyani gathered wealth, lived like a king and got the most expensive decorations from Ranjit Singh for making money out of the pilgrims. To-day, the same trend could also be observed in the other Gurdwaras such as Bangla Sahib in New Delhi, which is almost all covered with marble that is not comfortable to walk upon either in the winter or in the summer.
Further, the offer of land by Emperor Akbar for Harmandir Sahib was rejected by the Satguru Ram Dass Ji but this most foolish Jatt King Ranjit Singh attached land to the Sikh Gurdwaras for the MUNN MUKH psychic Gyanis to flourish. In a nutshell, King Ranjit Singh helped the MUNN MUKH Sodhis and others to turn the humble Gurdwaras into the dens of Mammon worshippers. No wonder the people learn next to nothing from such places than become the fanatics or get themselves fleeced and even killed!!!!
Now, I happened to visit Faridkot in the Panjab and was extremely happy to notice the great humility of the Gurdwara in the memory of Saint Bhai Faridji that is situated next to the castle but I was equally sad to see its beauty being marred by a sword placed in the front of GURU AD-GRANTH SAHIBJI, which was not compatible with the preaching of Bhai Faridji or any other BHAGAT in that if someone hits you on one cheek present the other cheek or not to retaliate. Also, sword is the weapon of SHAKTI and not of the BHAGTI MARAG.
I do not need to go deep into the activities of Mammon worshippers as this short article is a tip of the knowledge that is best learnt through lively heart-to-heart discussions. Finally, remember that all the people of either the Khatri or the Judah tribe are not the sons of Satan and among them there are some people of knowledge far superior to any other people. Therefore, they are the best people to fight these sons of Satan.
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