Decks cleared for India’s role in Iranian port Chabahar

2015-09-18 5

Decks cleared for India’s role in Iranian port Chabahar

Decks cleared for India’s role in Iranian port Chabahar by Yuc EsarThis video explains in detail the geo political activities in south Asia. It delves into the India Iran Chabahar port deal and also explains about the alternative to the ...

Indian deal for Iran in developing its Chabahar port and its monetary value looks impressive and realistic while Chinese $46 bn looks very much fake.Plus look ...

India is keen to boost its presence in Iran's economy. The Indian government has now announced plans to speed up its investments in Iran's southeastern port of ...

Guests: Vivek Katju (Former Secretary, MEA) ; Jayant Prasad (Ambassador to Afghanistan) ; Brigadier (Retd.) Rumel Dahiya (Subject Expert) Anchor: Bharat ...

The Port of Chabahar in southeastern Iran will now see Indian engineers and construction workers working on developing the seaport following all clearances ...

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