Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - Second Sikh for colouring/dyeing the Cloth - 25.

2015-09-17 1

Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - Second Sikh for colouring/dyeing the Cloth - 25.

Chapter 22

Four religious communities of India.

4. FOURTH NIRMALLAE SANT COMMUNITY: - The learned Khalsas, who wanted to further their knowledge for preaching Gospel, then leave the third community of Khalsas and go to places of learning such as Banaras, the Jerusalem of India, before returning to The AKAAL TAKHT of the fourth community of Apostles. Thus, AKAAL TAKHT dedicated to the BRAHMAN VARN is the Seat of NIRMALLAE SANTS or (PAAR) BRAHM GYANIS who are well-versed in the knowledge of VEDAS, the Scriptures, as well.

In fact, the knowledge of VEDAS lies on the finger-tips of those who are well-versed in the knowledge of The AD-GRANTH (BRAHM GYANI KO KHOJAE MAHESHWAR; NANAK BRAHM GYANI AAP PARMESHWAR i.e. MAHESH seeks the BRAHM GYANIS as Lord Krishna of Nature went to Saint Bidar, a Mustard seed born of a Temple Dancing girl called Dassi, to know about the Gospel of PAAR BRAHM and a BRAHM GYANI himself depicts the Nature of God). Jesus, Who was the first anointed Christ (SATGURU) of God, said, "The least of my Labourers is greater than John, the Baptist, a Levi Rabbi or Pandit Prophet Elijah". Thus, the Rabbis or Pandits are like the moon who is witness to the Light (Sun) but not the Light, which are the SATGURUS, the Christs.

The NIRMALLAE SANTS, like the Apostles of Jesus, do not handle money and this is well stressed by Jesus in Matt.10.9-15: "Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses, Nor scrip for your journey as Gospel is written over your heart, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat (Gospel is the Meat whilst Scriptures are Milk for the once-born baby Disciples).....” How does the Orthodox Churches put the Bible in the hand of Jesus?

Thus, the service of both the HARMANDIR SAHIB and AKAAL TAKHT is the duty of the secular Sikhs.

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