Calling people to civil disobedience because of the incidents in Cizre would amount to uprising

2015-09-15 8

The HDP committe and the co-head of the HDP who wanted to violate the curfew that has been going on in Cizre for six days set out towards Cizre today. Selahattin Demirtaş and the HPD committee were intercepted on the Mardin-Midyat highway with water cannons. Upon this, Selahattin Demirtaş and those accompanying him started to walk to Cizre from another way. The committee still has 95 km. until they arrive at Cizre. Selahattin Demirtaş made a statement on the way to Cizre; Demirtaş said, “Our people must observe civil disobedience, they must take to the streets towards Cizre.”

I used to think that Selahattin was a man of sound mind. How did he come up with such a tone? This is a huge mistake that he is making. I don’t know, it seems that he speaks so because he is under the pressure of the PKK. He must not fear  the PKK, he must fear  God only. He should simply say that he doesn’t heed the PKK. If necessary he must resign but he should not get invol