Globaltel’s “local connect jail call service” is the only and paramount way to assurance of the lowest possible charge on heavy expensive inmate’s long distance calls. When our loved one is far away from us we want to connect him/her, but due to complex procedure and heavy long distance jail bill we couldn’t connect to our loved one. Globaltel bring one solution to your all problems, it helps you by providing a very simple and easy way to connect your inmate. We issue a local jail call number irrespective of your location. You might be in UK, Mexico, Canada, Spain and Peru or anywhere else in the world we help you all around the world. If you are receiving any international call from an inmate of US based prison, you can use the issued local jail call number to communicate with him/her. You can eliminate high long distance inmate call charges by following some simple stepladder:
Open an account to activate your Local Jail phone number. It will save you from heavy long distance jail call bill.
Give your local jail call number to your inmate; inmate must get register your number with the jail so he or she can call the local number.
Your inmate can call you on your Local Jail Call Number; it will automatically rout to your chosen landline or mobile phone or any other handset. And you will be able to talk freely without any worry of per minute rounding.
All their calls will be charged by the jail phone provider as a local call charges. You won’t have to pay high jail call bills by using local jail call number. You will be able to talk your loved ones through your very own handset it could be your mobile, home phone, office phone or any other handset and can save upto 80% amount on the actual bearing long distance jail call bill.
Your all heavy jail call bills problem will be solved by our one best and simple solution. All you need is to get our plan of $29.99 monthly. You will get unlimited talk time without any hidden charges, fees, taxes, installation fees and so on. There is no other restriction other than a three hour per call limitations. And you have to bear $9.99, only if you cancel it during first month only. You will get guaranteed best lowest price Jail Call.