Kit Siang: PKFZ rip-off

2015-09-11 29

Lim Kit Siang described the PKFZ as a rip-off and gave the following to illustrates theRM12.5 billion.

RM12.5 billion is not chicken-feed. It is equivalent to five RM2.5 billion BMF scandals. RM12.5 billion can be used to build four Penang bridges, 25 universities at RM500 million each; 125 hospitals at RM100 million each; 1,250 schools at RM10 million each; 312,500 low-cost houses at RM40,000 each; declare amnesty from collecting assessment for 13 years for Selangor state or 45 years for Penang state; or give everyone of the 27 million Malaysians regardless of age a payout of RM338!

In fact it is like striking a RM1 Million price lottery each and every month non stop for the next 1,041 years!