Aurora Australis? CERN & Beams Of Light? Strange UFO Light In Antarctic Night Sky Still There! 07/09/2015 - 08/09/2015

2015-09-09 4

Aurora Australis Light show? CERN And Beams Of Light? Strange UFO Light In Antarctic Night Sky Still There!
07/09/2015 - 08/09/2015

This time we start at the 7th but on the second frame are given a picture from the 06th), then on the 12th frame (5 seconds into animation, we start to see a very Weird Phenomena which could be the Aurora Australis (Northern Lights Southern counterpart)..

Which if it is, is a point on the scoreboard for the Round Earther's..

Or is it something else?

At some points it appears to be extremely bright..

Again if it is, could it also explain the Beams of Light being spotted around the world as particles much like the Northern and Southern lights?

If that's the case where these Beams are charged particles coming from the sun or space, does that mean Polar shift is real, and that the charged particles are being attracted to magnetic centres equal to polar regions?

Does this have something to do with CERN?

Or is it just the Aurora Australis, nothing more..

Either way the Unexplainable Stationary UFO Light is still there throughout the Antarctic night, with other Strange lights which are not moving with the stars in the sky.. Planet X? Nibiru? UFO?

Please watch the following animation from the stills obtained from the Neumayer-station webcam very closely, and leave comments, information or your view in the comments box.


Much Luvs!