UFO Sighting Beijing, China 27th May 2013 - 不明飞行物目击中国北京,2013年5月27日

2015-09-08 18

UFO Sighting in Hong Kong 30th May 2013 Just days after a U.F.O. was sighted in Beijing, China, a similar craft was caught on camera flying across the sky in .

Today an unidentified flying object was captured on camera in Beijing, China, when a television crew was filming the rubble of a demolished heritage building.

2012 年5月10日晚七點三十八分, 由北角方向對著舊啓德機場拍攝。 維港上空閃超過廿分鐘以上沒有雷聲的閃電, 隨後細看發生乜事, 才發現初時還以為.

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