Safe Sparring - Sifu vs Kong - Light Contact - White

2015-09-08 17

Sifu Freddie Lee Kung Fu Demo

Since learning the Martial Arts, I have never gotten in a real fight. I never had to. I’ve found ways to avoid the situation. Martial Arts has made me into a more peaceful person. It has made me more patient. It has given me a greater awareness of my surroundings and of myself. It has gotten me to value my health to a great extent. I have made better life decisions because of the Martial Arts and this has kept me out of trouble. I am aware of my ego and the ego’s of those around me and how it can instigate a fight, I’ve learned to control this ego rather than be controlled by it. I train to know how to fight because it’s fun, but I don’t really like fighting at all. I hate being angry and I don’t want to have to explain myself to the judge if I ever have to defend myself. I hope that I will continue to live a peaceful life as I train and head towards the Martial Way.