Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - Second Sikh for colouring/dyeing the Cloth - 12.
Chapter 22
Four religious communities of India.
A Sikh named Bhai (Brother) Ghahniya Ji set an example by serving water to and nursing the wounds of everyone alike in a battle between the Khalsas of Royal King Gobind Singh Ji and the spiritually blind soldiers of Turkus, the Mohammedan Mammon worshipping Kings or the Munnmukh infidel Moghul Kings. The cruel nature of Turkus is depicted by Satguru Nanak Dev Ji in His Saying, "TURK (Munnmukh) PATHANI (people of Pathan tribe) AMAL KIYA (killed and looted as per their character) ......" i.e. not all the people of Pathan tribe were infidels but the greedy ones who performed the shameless and cruel deeds during the process of plundering.
Sikhs lead the life of householders and by the time they have looked after their family affairs, they also had acquired sufficient knowledge of Akaal Purakh (Eternal One) to serve Him diligently by joining either the Third Community of Khalsas soldiers or the Fourth Community of Apostles called Nirmallae Sants; both of them were required to renounce their families and homes as the Workers of Jesus did. That is, one is to be no more twice-bound (Dubda) but devoted to One.
Further, a Sikh is known by his qualities that are best known by his deeds and what comes out of his own mouth which will tell us the purity and devotion of his heart and how much spiritual knowledge he has acquired. But if a person speaks out sweet falsehoods (Koorr), then he is either a hypocrite (Koorriayar) or a Mammon worshipper (Munnmukh). For the quality, a Sikh is known by his "speech" and thus, Sikh is also called the "Naadi (voice) Roop (self)" i.e. inwardly or spiritual (Sookhshum Roop – abstract) self; in the same way as in the Bible it is stressed that a Jew is one who is inwardly (spiritual) and not outwardly (of the flesh or appearance). And, therefore, those who proclaim the Sikh to be a "Bindi (tribal seed) Roop (self)" i.e. outwardly of the flesh (Asthool Roop – concrete self) and identify them with Sikh tribe or Kaum, they are nothing else but the super bastard fanatic devils – John 8v44, who propagate falsehoods known as Koorr in Panjabi that create sectarian riots and holocausts similar to those of 1947 and 1984. Thus, to be a good learned Sikh is not a joke and such a person is "solitary" Giani (pneumatic or Gurmukh) in nature as per the Saying of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji:-
gur igAwn AMjnu siqgurU pwieAw AigAwn AMDyr ibnwsy ]
Gur giaan a(n)jan sathiguroo paaeiaa agiaan a(n)dhhaer binaasae ||
The True Gur, the Perfect Formula of logical reasoning, the Ointment for my third spiritual eye has been applied by the Innerman, the Christ within my own heart that has dispelled the utter Darkness of ignorance within my heart. Remember that Gospel cannot be written down in ink on paper but over the living Tablets of heart.
"GUR (formula or capacity of logical reasoning) GIYAN (Knowledge) ANJAN (called “Surma” that makes your eyes see better or the capacity of logical reasoning) Satguru (the one who masters the formula, Gur, of Satt or of Gospel Truth) PAYA (Acquired), AGIYAN ANDHER BINASAE (the Darkness of ignorance vanishes)" i.e. after receiving the Light of Knowledge through logical reasoning from your own Christ within your heart, the utter Darkness of misconceptions vanishes away.
Please help me in writing my Book on "One God; One Faith". Replace 1 by 2, 3, 4, etc. for other chapters:-
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
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Punjabi Book:-
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