Abir Warrior Arts - vs. frontal leg attacks

2015-09-06 90

Defense against leg attacks
Aluf Abir, Grandmaster Yehoshua Sofer demos 'pitronoth negged karkur H'azitith'. These techniques are from a series to counter a close range frontal leg attack.

Website: http://www.abirwarriorarts.com

The Abir shows these techniques slowly and sheds some layers of his traditional clothing so that his leg work can be seen clearly. This segment was filmed immediately after He showed that a traditional dance step of of the Jews in his region of Yemen is a classical combative technique to negotiate a path in a half circle outside of harms way only to reposition for counter attacks of the kind in this video clip. In spite of the 'sleepy' relaxation in practice... these applications are quite lethal when done at combat speed..