Ep. #78 - Star Notes Part II - $2 Dollar Bill Star Note- NCLB Detectors

2015-09-05 2

Ep. #78 - Star Notes Part II - $2 Dollar Bill Star Note- NCLB Detectors

QuarterRoy finds a $2 dollar bill star note in his collection.QuarterRoy finds a $2 dollar bill star note in his collection.

1953 TWO DOLLAR BILL STAR NOTE with RED SERIAL NUMBER Filmed in 1080p HD Filmed by HiddenTreasureHunter Please donate $ if you are able: ...

STAR NOTE FOUND u.s. one dollar bill with star after serial number How cool is this!! I actually found a one dollar bill star note after searching a bank strap of ...

QuarterRoy returns the halves and gets a $100 bill star note to add to NCLB's pile.

RARE and COLLECTIBLE STAR NOTE one dollar bill first run PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to be a part of the Hidden Treasure Hunter Adventures!