Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - First Hindu, the Mordant -6.

2015-09-05 2

Book - Chapter 22:- Four communities of Religion - First Hindu, the Mordant -6.

Chapter 22

Four religious communities of India.

Further, the four Ages outline the eras of dominant religious qualities. Thus, in Satt Yug or the Golden Age most of the people were shameful, truthful, contented and merciful and the people being fully-fledged religious, they were called the VASS DEVA (Sons of the Most High, the Saints). Also, they did not stand in the need of any Seer or Prophet as they lacked no religious quality. They rather render praises to our Father and wrote Scriptures in His Image. In the Bible this is called Adam and Eve living in the company of God and Christ Jesus came to take us back to wherefrom we had fallen into this utter Darkness. This is called redemption.

Degeneration of the religious qualities especially "mercy" led people into the Treta Yug or the Silver Age of Angels or Devta and, therefore, the people of this Age occasionally aired out their cruelty over their own women folk. Cutting the nose of Saroop Nakha, the sister of King Ravan of Lanka, by Lachhman, the younger brother of First Prophet Ram Chander Ji, incarnation of Vishnu was a typical example of cruelty that led Pandit Ravan to avenge it by abducting Sita, the wife of Shri Ram Chander Ji under the tit-for-tat Law of Lok Lajj (shame of the people). The dominant ruling people of Treta Yug were of Khatri tribe and they were very wise men well versed in the Scriptures written by the Seers of Satt Yug. Thus, Khatris were "men of letters" and, therefore, they would observe the religious rites and perform the various rituals very carefully to the last minute details as the Jewish do today. Remember that Moses killed the cruel Egyptian who beat a slave Chosen Man to death for not working hard. Moses was equivalent to Shri Ram Chander Ji in creating the Moral Laws and such wise men with the knowledge of Oral Torah are called “Muryadah (Moral Laws) Purshotam (Perfect Model) Avtar”. That is also why Moses permitted them to divorce their wives for their hearts had become hard – Matt. 19.

But in order to remind the people of the chief quality of God "mercy", Prophet Ram Chander Ji appeared among the most haughty and ruling people of the Khatri tribe, who were well versed in the "letters" of the Vedas so that they could temper their deeds with "mercy" for the sake of preserving humanity in spirit. "Letter killeth and spirit giveth life" is a well-known proverb of the Bible.

In short, Prophet Ram Chander Ji played the part of demiurge god Vishnu of Nature and, therefore, He was well-known as the "Muryada Parshotum Avtar" or the Great man who set the moral laws on a sound basis as Prophet Moses did for the Jews. Also, the name "Ram Chander" represented the fact that He was the "moon" (Chand) of Ram (God or Sun, the Primary source of Light) i.e. He reflected "His Word" in setting out the moral laws. Of Moses it was said that He himself saw the Face of God but only showed the back of God, the reflections and not the real self, to the people i.e. the moral laws are the reflections of "His Word" or Naam (Vaedon mae Naam Uttam.....i.e. the Scriptures, Vedas, contain "His Word" implicitly and not explicitly as in the Ad-Granth, the New Testament). Thus, Prophet Shri Ram Chander Ji was the incarnation of demiurge god Vishnu and he appeared among the cruel ruling people of Khatri tribe, i.e. people well versed in the "letters" of the Vedas, were of the Khatri tribe. There was no worship of idols in this era.

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