
2015-09-02 6

Dear Viewers,Deeply moved by the art of René Böll and having met and shared platforms with him at various cultural events in Switzerland, I embarked in 2012 upon the idea of a creation combining René's art with my music. With his most appreciated acceptance for this collaboration, René then listened to „Waiting“ and these marvellous watercolours are the result.This artsong was sung with the beautiful lyrical voice of Maria C. Schmid and together with the film making skills of Vincenz Suter, ArtMusic – a triptych of music, art and film can now be presented.Wishing that our production touches the heart and motivates,Susannah Snowwww.SusannahSnow.comInspired by the fascinating music by Susannah Snow I painted these watercolours between January and July 2012. My work with Susannah's music is an optical adaptation, not like an illustration. It is a free inspiration of the music, a translation of music which one can hear during time; in a painting one can see at a glance.René Böllwww.rene-boell.de„Waiting“Susannah SnowHow the time goes oh so slowly when you’re waiting,waiting for that momentthat is slowly coming nearer,coming closer than you ever thought,ever dreamed it might,if ever,if ever it would happen in this lifetime,on this journey to a world of,world of twilightand of starlightand where stars shine bright in the lasting night of the moonlightjoining sunlight in the daybreak of a new day full of laughterand of love and of a beauty to remember for a lifetime,yes, a lifetime of eternity,yes, eternity of bliss and harmony.