Sifu Freddie Lee Safe Sparring Kung Fu Demo
Another person that I had only met one time. This person said he had Martial Arts experience. So I decided to do no contact Safe Sparring with the individual to get a feel for each other. Always, with someone new, it is best to engage in no contact safe sparring to get a feel of the individual. Here I can assess his level of skill and his ability to control his techniques and emotions. Even without making any contact, I will already know how the engagement would have turned out if we had made contact.
If I am comfortable, then we would progress onto the next level which is touch contact. Then after touch contact is light contact and then finally medium contact. It is only with students and friends that I would engage in light or medium contact with.
A person who comes in who is neither a student or a friend, but is someone who is trying to prove himself is only a recipe for disaster. Therefore, it is not intelligent for any Martial Artist to engage in contact Safe Sparring unless there is a Sifu that is present to monitor the engagement.