Derbent celebrates 2,000 years of history and multiculturalism

2015-09-01 2

Derbent, the oldest and southernmost city on Russia’s territory, is officially marking its 2,000th anniversary — an opportunity for the residents of Dagestan to celebrate the rich cultural and historical heritage of a Republic often associated with social problems and armed extremism.

When Russia’s reformist leader Peter the Great conquered Derbent in his Persian campaign in the 18th century, he chose to sleep in a simple dugout that later became a local monument.

“But in the 20th century, this place was forgotten,” says art historian Patimat Gamzatova. “As was often the case with the Soviets when it comes to religious or imperial monuments, it was first turned into a shed, then a storage house, a canteen, and finally into the dwelling of an ordinary citizen who knew nothing about this place’s history.”

“I think it’s important that this restoration helps us pursue Peter the Great’s vision of progress and modernisation,” she adds.

A charity foundation helped with the restoration