Book - Chapter 21:- Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, YeShiva or YeShua -4.

2015-08-31 7

Book - Chapter 21:- Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, YeShiva or YeShua -4.

Chapter 21


Now, the death of Jesus became a controversial issue among the people of BOOK, the so-called Christians. This issue is best tackled by knowing that whatsoever applies to "flesh", the opposite applies to the matters of "spirit". Thus, in flesh every one of us has his own parents whilst in spirit all of us have God as our single Parent, both Mother and Father. Kings rest their heads in the comforts of their palaces, whereas our Royal King had no place even to rest His head (There is another reason in that he was second Adam and he came as “Floating Adam”). Kings normally die a natural death in the comforts of their palaces well attended by their courtiers and nobles whilst our Royal King Jesus was to face an un-natural death of a very humiliating nature at a place much haunted and feared by the general public and that too among the company of two criminals; one of "flesh" who asked Jesus to set him free through His miraculous Powers whilst the other of "holy spirit", who acknowledged his fate but at the same time he proclaimed that Jesus is dying for no wrong doing i.e. even the criminals of "holy spirit" knew Jesus better than the lawyers of "letters", the Rabbis. Kings put on happily very expensive and comfortable crowns made of the artificial materials whilst our Royal King Jesus was forcibly put upon a very uncomfortable but befitting crown made of the natural living thorny bush against His Will. In fact, the death by stoning is not as humiliating and none of the Apostles met such a humiliating death as Jesus did.

BURIAL CHAMBER: - Finally, people have their family burial chambers and they bury their generations in the same chamber until full. So, the burial of Jesus in the newly built chamber also confirms that he had no worldly family ties and being the Second floating Adam, he was laid in a virgin burial chamber that was never used even after his burial. No one was buried in this Chamber after Jesus also confirms that He had no family and this D’Vinchi code is a fake. The Hebrew name of Jesus as YeShua or YeShiva speaks for itself that He was the First Born of Yahweh; Shua or Shiva stands for Adam.

Here, it is worthwhile to mention the Second Coming of Jesus in the name of Nanak, Who appeared in India among the people of Khatri tribe, who, like the people of Judah tribe, were angelic or Devta people in the past enlightened Age (TRETA) but they had become the most satanic people in this Dark Age. But the appearance of the Second anointed Christ, called "Satguru" in Panjabi, was not of a Virgin, as the people of the Khatri tribe had not severed their covenant with their ancestors by becoming the Hindus of flesh or tribe. That is, they remained Khatri tribal people outwardly. Thus, the spiritually sick people of Khatri tribe, especially those who became Mullahs and Mohammedans outwardly, were the sworn enemies of the Satgurus and the Royal Kings. In short, the people of Judah tribe in the Middle East and of the Khatri tribe in India are great opportunists and they have a great love for Mammon or "Greed" and, therefore, they exploited the religious people to their utmost for their selfish motives. Remember that all the people of a certain tribe cannot be good or bad but in general a certain trait is dominant among the people of a particular tribe.

Further, in general, people of the West are seeking God more sincerely than the people of the East but they are mostly blind to the matters of “spirit”. This is well illustrated in the Parable of the Samaritan woman at the well – John 4, who had Five husbands, Kaam (immorality), Karodhh (anger), Lobhh (greed), Moh (material love) and the Last one Hankaar (pride of her religious knowledge as she proclaimed Jesus to be a Prophet), a husband living with her but she had overpowered that too for she engaged Jesus in deep spiritual discussion. But the Book people take the literal sense and call this most knowledgeable and pious woman (St. Photina) that Jesus ever met in His ministry as a “prostitute” marrying one husband after the other.

Unfortunately, the so-called Sikhs of beards and turbans are familiar with these five husbands but they are incapable of explaining them to their counterpart Christians of the Book either. Remember that the word “Sikh” stands for a student of spiritual knowledge and he is known by what comes out of his own mouth rather than what the Books say. Funny costumes that are put on by the clerics do not make a person religious but a hypocrite, that Jesus condemned the most. Remember that how a retired Vicar proclaimed that he was working for Mammon like a Policeman in his uniform.

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