Book - Chapter 21:- Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, YeShiva or YeShua -3.

2015-09-01 5

Book - Chapter 21:- Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus, YeShiva or YeShua -3.

Chapter 21


Why in the manger of the Inn? - Now, "Inn" is symbolic of the "Church of God" in that as an "inn" is open to general public for the physical rest, so is the "Universal Church of God", open to the people of all nationalities and colours for the "spiritual" rest or regeneration. Further, in the Church of God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, unlike the Church of England, where the King/Queen of Mammon is the head, the lowest or the greatest Servant, and not a Lord, is the Head of the Church. So Jesus, our Royal High Priest being the Head of our universal Church of God could not be born anywhere else than the lowest place, the Manger of the inn and that too among the stable animals, which "serve" people as the beast of “burden”.

As people are born in the tribal homes of their fathers, so, this humble Birth of Jesus in the manger of an Inn is an "implicit" proof that the Father of Christ Jesus was not a normal tribal father in flesh but Yahweh in Whose Universal House, the Synagogue made by human hands; He took His Birth. The stress laid by St. Paul that Jesus was second Adam born of his heavenly father of Nature Yahweh also confirms His Virgin Birth. Thus, YeShua stands for the First Born of Yahweh, the Second Adam. Mary was his Surrogate Mother and Joseph of Judah tribe his Foster father.

Here it is worth explaining the Parable that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than a rich man. Now, camel serves people and is humble and obedient but a rich man does not serve people but him rather rules or lords over people. So, it is easier for a camel to enter into the Royal Kingdom of God than for a rich haughty man – the story of the proud rich man suffering in hell whilst the humble Lazarus enjoying heaven in the Bosom of Abraham. That is in God, it is service and humbleness that counts not the riches of the greedy person.

Now, if Queen, who is the head of Mammon in Great Britain and she is also the head of the Church of England and the so-called defender of faith, then if she herself cannot pass through the “eye” of the needle, how could the others whose faith she is defending will do so? She is rather the defender of faith in Mammon as her soldiers glorified not God by defending and expanding her Empire; whilst the humble soldiers of God like the Brother William Booth was rightfully caste out of the Church of England.

Further, Jesus when He was twelve years old, the age at which a boy is certain who his father is, stayed behind in Jerusalem in His Father Yahweh’s House made by human hands whilst Joseph and Mary came looking for him, is also a proof that His fleshly Father was Yahweh and not a human one. Remember that the Hajj rites of Abraham used to be for the boys aged 12 to 16 to establish their covenants with their tribal elders and not for the grown up men or women as it is presently happening reflecting the religious Darkness. Further, when he became adult to look after His Father Yahweh’s Home, He turned the tables of the traders telling them that my Father’s House is for spiritual business of prayer and meditation and not for the secular businesses of making money through trading.

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