Ford Dealer Sponsors Peanut Butter Drive for Community Food Banks - The CSR Minute

2015-08-28 16

While cleaning out my email inbox during these dog days of summer, I ran across a story from back in June that made me think about the local initiatives that take place around the country. These stories describe local efforts devoted to hunger relief, improving healthcare, conserving resources, and supporting community charities. Many are small-scale initiatives, but they do add up. The story that prompted these thoughts was an item about Robberson Ford of Bend, Oregon donating 9,600 pounds of peanut butter to help community food banks feed children during the summer months, when many lose access to school nutrition programs. The campaign, part of Ford’s “Focus on Child Hunger” initiative, was simple: Robberson Ford donated one jar of peanut butter for every oil change, and four cases of peanut butter for every Ford car sold. The drive was part of a five-state Pacific Northwest regional campaign by Ford dealers.

This kind of story usually gets only a brief mention in local media. But it reminds us that every day, hundreds of thousands of business people go to their daily work not only to make a profit, but to provide benefits for people and for the planet. That’s a triple bottom line that makes business, better.

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