Amazing Kung Fu at 64 years old - Sigung

2015-08-28 43

Sigung Kung Fu Progress at 64 years old

Music by Steve Caissy

This video was created when my father was 64 years old and I was 32 years old, he was exactly double my age at the time. Now he is 65 and I am 33. I use my fathers fitness progress as a gauge of where I might be or where I will need to take myself beyond when I am 65 years old myself. As far as the fitness and spiritual components are concerned, I feel he is representing to a high level. His endurance is amazing and he has a lot of strength for his age and size. Certain things that I see can be improved are the prevention of certain injuries, such as him having a shoulder injury from the military press that he received years back that never really healed, and also a stronger focus on flexibility. I am helping him to achieve a more balanced approach to physical fitness development, but neatherless, at his age, he is representing a high level in many areas.

I see that a man of true Kung Fu lives to old age in very good health. At 65 he is still alive, healthy, and well. If he can live up to 100 or even older and still represent optimum health for his age, that would be amazing. As for myself, hopefully I will continue to live a peaceful relaxing lifestyle that will allow me to live to old age, rather than dying suddenly like the way Bruce Lee passed away at the age of 32. The real Martial Artists are the ones who represent optimum health for their entire lives, not just temporarily like a lot of sport athletes.