Germany wants camps in Italy, Greece, Turkey to sort through migrants seeking asylum

2015-08-28 59

As Europe faces its worst refugee crisis since World War Two, and Germany deals with higher numbers of asylum seekers than any other EU country, euronews met Thomas de Maizière, Germany’s Interior Minister and a close ally of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Kirsten Ripper, euronews:
Never in recent years have so many refugees wanted to come to Germany. You expect 800,000 asylum seekers will arrive this year alone. How do you plan to welcome and to assist these refugees?

Thomas de Maizière, German Interior Minister:
“First of all, this is a really striking number. That’s four times more than last year. And that’s around 43 percent of all of Europe’s asylum seekers. This is a major challenge — even for a well-organized and rich country like Germany. We need to take national measures, but also measures across Europe.
Regarding the national measures,we are facing a great challenge, which is providing decent accommodation. That is to say, getting refugees out of tents and finding them a roof

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