This is a review of the dual-elevating multi-ordnance neutralizer (DEMON) tank and their drivers, the Ferrets. First available in 1988 and re-released in 1989, left over stock of the figure was made available again during the 1993 (3rd annual) G.I. Joe Convention. The DEMON tank was never re-released beyond retail. The vehicle has a docking port for Destro's Despoiler, but collectors should note that there may be color differences between the gold plastics used. The Despoiler came in either yellow-gold or caramel-gold, but the DEMON (as far as I know) was only issued in yellow-gold. ***The Battle Force 2000 logo on all 1988 Iron Grenadiers packaging is never explained. The 1988 introduction commercial even featured a battle with BF2000 vehicles, but weren't emphasized as the sole rival. Most collectors assume that this was a marketing scheme (sub-line vs. sub-line) that was dropped at the last minute.***
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