Within usually the autumn is organised quite young festival for a few years in Cracow name of Conrad. There were a few more or less well-known guests within a few final years like for example Orhan Pamuk, Cees Nooteboom, the wife of Radosław Sikorski who is working for Washington Post and received behind the book "Gulag" the excellent Pulitzer Prize whether for example very good Polish artist Tymon Tymański or member of the very famous Nobel championship comitee etc ... There is a chance every year to conversations and meetings with authors of superb books which toured the entire world and in this period of time came to Cracow which for a dozen or so months is one of capital cities of the international organization UNESCO ... Within the last five years within the older capitol of Poland was over, both male and female, 50 great people, who are working for instance at the Columbia University or Cambridge etc ... It a pleasure to study or learn and always not big waste of time ...