Welcome To DFF Jobs For Change. Our world is changing and we are realizing how much time is wasted worrying about finding a job , getting a job , doing a job , going to a job , you get the picture. It is time we begin thinking with our hearts. As we go about our daily lives, we are noticing just how much our world needs a little extra love now. We begin to notice that there is a lot of need around us. From small things like helping a senior across the street or picking up some trash we see on the ground, we can begin to make small changes around us. As we do this, we might also recognize what makes us smile and how giving does make you feel good inside. With just a little change in our own way of living, we can bring joy to others and ourselves. We might also find those special things that make you smile even bigger. Jobs can be made out of those things that make you smile, if we do it right. It is time for those big company job's to move over and let us find jobs that make a difference in our personal lives