Warbirds Over The Rockies, P-51's formation f

2015-08-25 2

Warbirds Over the Rockies is the one of the largest RC Warbird gatherings in the US. With hundreds of pilots flying over 300 scale military warbirds it's an event you don't want to miss. This plane is Brian O'meara's Mibo A-10 Thunderbolt being flown by Ryan Haldenwanger.Warbirds Over the Rockies features a noon demo show that highlights the history of military aviation starting with World War One and ending with modern military equipment all aspects of military aviation are covered during the show, and most of this is accomplished by enlisting the help of pilots attending the show. The highlight of the noon show is the professional pyrotechnics show put on the accompany the historical review. Another standout aspect of the noon show are the full scale flyover of military aircraft that Brian puts together for his spectators. These planes are sometimes very rare and they always "wow" the crowd when fly over at low altitude at "full military power"!Warbirds Over The Rockies has ample tent space for all pilots to store their tools and planes in, as well as a large pits area to use during the flying day. For the spectators there are many viewing areas that give them great views of the flying going on, as well as being able to walk the pit line to view planes in the pits as well as interact with the pilots themselves. Vendors are on site for food and drink as well as many RC related vendors as well. The site has ample parking for all as well on site RV parking for those that wish to stay on site.For more information visit www.warbirdsovertherockies.com