Book - Chapter 18:- One Fold, Church of God and one Shepherd, Christ Jesus - 4.

2015-08-23 3

Book - Chapter 18:- One Fold, Church of God and one Shepherd, Christ Jesus - 4.


As the congregation is made up of the three layers of flour, hylics, psychic and pneumatics, there was grumbling over such matters as to the distribution of food. This problem was resolved by the Apostles in Acts 6.1-4:".....Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men (and not a single "woman" because these seven were in the name of John, the Baptist) of honest report, full of the holy ghost and wisdom, which we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word". So, among themselves the seven deacons elected a Bishop or a supervisor and the deacons were encouraged to teach the moral laws of Moses to people but they were not permitted to Preach 'His Word' as the Preachers could not be the resident members of the congregation but the roving Saints who went from Church to Church ironing out the spiritual problems of the congregations and Their praises rested not with people but with God Who had Ordained Them into His Service. Here, I can smell a rat as the Apostles being the Sons of our Supernatural Father; they would not interfere in the natural problems among the members of the Church. The only Apostle who could advise them was Peter who had the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and He killed two liars, the rotten eggs, Ananias and Saphira, who wanted to join this Fold headed by Christ Jesus. Liars and hypocrites belonged to the other Fold of hypocrites such as most of the present Churches that have hireling Dog-Collared Priests working as the secular people like the others in army or police with uniforms and retire at a certain age.

So, all the administrators of the Church of God were male based upon the general principle; what applies to "flesh", the opposite applies to "spirit"; the moral teachers (Matt.13.52) for their responsibility are to be of male sex only. Before the arrival of Jesus, the hereditary moral teachers used to be of Levi tribe but as they had become corrupt, the moral teachers could be males of any tribe. Just the opposite, the Preachers of Gospel in our Supernatural Father of our souls are to be non-hereditary and non-resident persons of either sex i.e. a woman cannot teach the moral laws but she can Preach 'His Word'. Further, the teachers of moral laws have to be authoritarian in the manner of John, the Baptist, who publicly denounced the marriage of Philip's wife with Herod - Matt.14.3 or Peter killed two liars trying to join the Fold of Jesus; whereas the Preachers of Jesus or the Saints of God have to be humble and loving servants. Thus, Peter was assigned the Duty of Gatekeeper to the Church of God to ward away the liars and hypocrites from the Fold. That is, liars and hypocrites are not interested in glorifying God in honour of Christ Jesus but they being psychics seek their own praises leading to anti-Christ activities.

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