Book - Chapter 18:- One Fold, Church of God and one Shepherd, Christ Jesus - 3.

2015-08-23 10

Book - Chapter 18:- One Fold, Church of God and one Shepherd, Christ Jesus - 3.


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The twelve labourers that Jesus hired for the Vineyard of our Father were rewarded the Highest Gift of "Holy Spirit" at Pentecost - Matt.20.8: "So when even was come, the Lord of the Vineyard (world) saith unto His Steward (Christ Jesus), call the labourers and give them their "Hire", beginning from the last unto the first". The labourers of Jesus had forsaken worldly treasures for the sake of their Gift, the "Holy Spirit", the Very Spirit of our Father that made them the Twin-Brethren of Christ Jesus - Matt.19.27: "Then answered Peter and said unto Him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed Thee; what shall we have therefore". Thus, all the Twelve Labourers of Jesus became the Sons of Most High Supernatural Father God and they were called the “Saints” whilst their reflections the Seventy outer circle Labourers became “Angels” to serve the cause of John, the Baptist. I believe that Angel Stephen, the first Martyr was one of the Seventy. Here, it is worth pointing out that as at the times of Jesus, the local Rabbi still ruled, so Jesus and His Labourers had to go for Wilderness whereas the Sikhs of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji remained at home leading their family lives. John, the Baptist was the Last Ideal Rabbi on earth and after him no Law or sins but hypocrisy prevailed.

Thus, the Labourers of Jesus who first founded the Church of God headed by Christ Jesus sold all their belongings to share a perfect communal life Free of any attraction of Mammon as Sadhus do in the Wilderness. Or in Jesus, if you want to be a Royal Priest of the order of Melchizadik, then you should have no attraction for Mammon. Remember that you cannot serve Mammon and God and that is what the First Labourers of Jesus did. They had an administrator in the name of Stephen, who looked after their moral issues as the Rabbis did in the Synagogues. He was performing the marriage ceremony and baptising the Jewish men in water in the name of Abraham, which infuriated the Temple Priests who were making people Jews outwardly. They were catching a Gentile and by circumcising and putting the Millstone of rituals around his neck, they would proclaim him to be a Jew of appearance. And then, they will tell him that as we are sons of Abraham and so you have become a son of Abraham as well.

Now, Abraham was a Semite by race. How could a Gentile of say Aryan race become a son of Abraham just through circumcision, the Tribal Mark or covenant of Abraham to Isaac and his seed only? So, they were making fake sons of Abraham and Angel Stephen exposed their lucrative business in Mammon that annoyed them the most. They were putting fingers in their ears and grinding their teeth to kill Stephen for exposing their hypocrisy in the Temple during his great speech. Today, these fake circumcised sons of Isaac, the Mohammedans, are many and they have become their blood thirsty. So, the Jews outwardly, the Temple Priests created this army of fake sons of Isaac and so, let them face their own enemies. That is why John, the Baptist called the Temple Priests a Brood of Vipers. The same applies to people of other nations who replaced their tribal identity with Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Labour, Conservative, Communist, etc. and by doing so, they also become “super bastard fanatic devils”, the Tares, as you see them in action during the sectarian riots when they kill their own tribal brethren under the fake cover of Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh, etc.

This planet earth of Adam belongs to the sons of Adam, the tribal people and those who would severe their tribal links with their tribes, they will all die like flies. That is why those 144000 who would be saved are all mentioned by their tribes and not as Jews. Jew being the spiritual self, not a single Jew, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. is born or died during the sectarian riots but the tribal people.

So, that was the reason for killing Angel Stephen sitting in the seat of John, the Baptist, the Angel of Israel and Prophet Elijah (My god is Yahweh). When the Messianic Jews took over the Church of God by jumping over the walls like a Thief, they bring in the forbidden Jewish leaven, the Old Testament, the letters or old wine to poison the Church of God. Gospel is Preached like a Sower and when the Roving Royal Priests visited such corrupt Churches, their self-styled Bishop in the fashion of the Temple Priests threw them out to make the Churches the Synagogues of Satan as outlined by Jesus in Matt. 12v43-45: 43 “When an impure spirit (the sacked Temple Priests of evil spirit)