Himpun dismisses fears of non-Muslims

2015-08-20 2

Fears of the non-Muslims that the Congregation of a Million Faithful at the Shah Alam Stadium on Saturday will be a session for the bashing of other religions was dismissed today by the organisers of the event.

Event chairperson Yusri Mohamad said Himpun, as the event is widely referred to, aims to safeguard the faith of Muslims, "which we want to prevent from getting worse".

In Islam, Yusri said, "we have to ensure that Muslims maintain their faith".

He added: "The cases of apostasy are real and we do not need to wait or look at rising numbers and then take action. As Muslims, if there is one case of apostasy and there is no worry or action, it will be calamity.

Full story: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/179243

Camera/Editing: Tan Jiun Wuu