Living under siege

2015-08-20 7

There is a community in Malaysia that is under siege. In fact they are under siege in all countries where they exist and where there is a high number of Muslims; the countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Pakistan, Indonesia and here in Malaysia.

In Pakistan and recently in Indonesia, they suffer physical attacks.

Recently in Indonesia followers of Ahmadiyah have been killed. The Indonesian authorities were reluctant to charge their murderers.

That community is the Ahmadiyah. In Malaysia they are the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Muslim Malaysia.

In 1975 the Selangor state religious department issued a Fatwa (a religious edict) declaring that the Ahmadiyah movement is non-Muslim.

They have been forbidden to conduct Friday prayers at their centre in Kampung Nakhoda, Batu Caves and the department is working with the city council and land office to confiscate their property. The reason? Wrongful use.

There is also initiatives to remove 'Islam' under the category of religion in the identity cards of the followers and replaced with 'Qadiani'.

So what is it about the Ahmadiyah that's drawn so much anger from Muslims and subjected them to persecution in a land that allows freedom of religion in its Constitution and in a religion with a God that demands 'that there be no compulsion'?

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