Stop calling us 'lain-lain'

2015-08-20 1

Stop calling us 'lain-lain'

Fatimah Bahsin, a representative of Peninsular Aborigines Villages Network, urged the government to endorse the Orang Asli's native customary land so that they can earn a living, and to officially recognise their ethnicity as 'Orang Asli'.

"We don't want to be called 'lain-lain' (others) any more!" she said.

The crowd arrived at the destination, which was decorated with purple balloons, to the loud beat of drums and the organiser on the stage greeting them, "Welcome, ladies!"

In her address, Empower Malaysia's programme officer Janarthani Arumugam urged the women to make a change in the upcoming general election.

"We have already gotten too bored with the (political rhetoric), we want (the politicians) to listen to us immediately.

"We want a better standard of living and we don't want taxpayers' money to be wasted on cows, corruptions and (diamond) rings!" she sneered, poking fun at a series of recent scandals afflicting BN leaders and their kin.

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Video by Indrani Kopal

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