Water: Crisis or spin?

2015-08-19 1

There's a battle of wills at the moment between the Federal and Selangor State governments and accusing fingers are being wagged at every turn.

The battle field is the hearts and minds of the people of Selangor as the 13th general election looms large and the weapon each side is using is, water.

According to the Federal government and its water concessionaires, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and the administrative capital of Putrajaya will face water shortages come 2014 and beyond, if not sooner.

The treatment plants they say cannot keep up with the population growth in these areas and another treatment plant is needed to treat raw water from Pahang through an interstate pipeline.

The treatment plant that the Federal government wants to build is dubbed 'Langat 2' which has an estimated price tag or RM8 billion.

Not so says the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government; if there is to be a shortage it will be because of the inefficiencies of the water concessionaires. The state which owns 30% of water distributor Syabas is seeking the removal of the company's CEO.

But what is the situation in reality?