Donald Trump for President - the election by Charlotte Laws

2015-08-16 2

“Don’t Dump on Trump” short version. Analysis of Donald Trump for president and the 2016 election. August 15, 2015. Author Dr. Charlotte Laws does free flow and off-the-cuff analysis of the Republican primary and the Fox News debate. She says to pundits and the establishment, “Don’t dump on Trump.” She says that the majority of voters are Independents and that there is an Independent revolution. These folks like Trump for being anti-establishment and not politically correct. They are fed up with the old rules. Laws talks about sexism, the blood comment, the first Republican (Fox News) debate, Megyn Kelly, Trump’s appeal and his reason for running for commander in chief. She attacks the Republican and Democrat insiders and says that when a candidate pledges his or her allegiance in advance to the party nominee, this is sickening, conformist behavior. Trump’s refusal to mindlessly do as he is told makes him ironically the only adult in the room.