Eastwood Has Talent, Eastwood Shopping Centre Court, Sydney 15 Aug 2015.

2015-08-15 3

Eastwood young talents enjoyed the spotlights

On 15 Aug 15, 20 Eastwood teenagers younger than 15 years old showed off their talents at the inaugural Eastwood Has Talents quest to the delight of a packed house at Eastwood Shopping Centre court.
Congratulations to all the contestants who danced, sang, played musical instrument commendably. They are all winners, as proclaimed by the panel of judges.

Thanks to the YuHu Group’s community initiative, Eastwood continues to improve as a fun place with an interesting and entertaining agenda. This initiative is commendable as it encourages teenagers to develop other skills instead of spending too much time on ipad, iphone, the internet which is not only anti-social but research has found it to cause sleep deprivation, stunt brain development and cause many other harm.

Contestants under 15 years.
Saphia Tamalemai, age 12 - Singing Memory
Emily Zhang, 11 – Dance.
Joshua Ng, 14- Singing. Get me to the church on time.
Kathy Wang,14 – Dance. Rainbow Chinese Dance.
Kelly Jiang, 14 – Dance. Peacock Dance
Rae Zi Wang, 6 – Dance. Dancing.
Kody Huang,12 and Ji SenWang, 10 – Piano & Violin, Secret Garden
Jessie Tsuei, 14 – Dance. Ballet – don Quixote Kitri Variation 1
Jacqueline Lal, 6 – Sing & Dancing.
Renata Dudziak, 11 – Singing. Warrior by Amber
Daniel Whelan, 9 – Instrument. Trombone
Emma Kevnc10, Bianca Chen, 10, Nicholas Swan,12 Band. Perform Riptide
Julie Zhang, 6 – Singing. Can you feel the love tonight
Justine Zhang, 8 – Violin Solo. Czardas
Anika Joshi,9 – Singing. Its possible
Lili’s daughter, 12 - Guitar

Oh Dear! Tiny Julie Zhang, 6 years old, was left out of the video. She sang well. Here is her singing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMHlOqRSlJs

Presence of Minister Victor Dominello (State MP for Ryde), Bill Pickering (Councillor of Ryde, Mayor), Roseanna Gallo OAM (Roseanna Gallo music) , Hugh Lee, OAM (man behind many Eastwood/Ryde events), Craig Chung (Councillor of Ryde). Among the guests was John Alexander OAM (Federal MP for Bennelong), Organiser of event YUHU manager Gary Wong & Hugh Lee.

Eastwood Shopping Centre, Yuhu Group

Support from Roseanna Gallo OAM, engaged in local talents quests. http://www.rgmusic.com.au/

Some of Eastwood events past 2 years, as at 16 Aug 2015 Playlist

HankSydney channel - Other videos: http://www.dailymotion.com/HankSydney or
Eg. Search: HankSydney Corroboree Homeground Sydney Hanksydney Festival.

Video Titles text listing
in Word, sorted by Title, with links