Canadian Tire Sells guns - Govt Owned Golf Course

2015-08-14 10

A Nova Scotia woman is worried about Canadian Tire getting back into the firearms business.

Pamela Harrison says having more guns available in the province will mean there’s a greater chance for people to be killed or hurt.

She says when a Canadian retail icon sells firearms, it sends the wrong message.

“What it is in some way saying [is], ‘Hey guys, come on, it’s OK to buy guns again,” said Harrison.

Harrison represents the Transition House of Nova Scotia, an association for member organizations who provide transitional services to women and their children who are experiencing violence and abuse.
The company says it is responding to demand from the local hunting community and it is dedicated to the safety and education of its customers.

As well, it says there are strict requirements for all store staff certified to sell firearms to obtain and maintain appropriate licensing and training. The stores are also required by law to ensure certain steps are taken before a firearm is sold to a consumer.

Tories Golf Club

The province’s financial watchdog is investigating a secret and untendered deal inked a year ago between the former Tory regime and a private company with party connections that required taxpayers to foot the bill for a $15 million rebuild of a flood-damaged golf course and extended the operating lease for another decade.

And while former Premier Jim Prentice promised Albertans that spending under the controversial contract with Kan-Alta Golf Management Ltd. halted at the end of 2014, the recently-elected New Democrats say a further $1 million has or will have to be paid to the company this year.

When the Progressive Conservatives announced a review of the deal in mid-March, then Municipal Affairs Minister Diana McQueen told the legislature only $2.3 million had been spent to date on repairs to the Kananaskis Golf Course that was badly damaged during the 2013 floods.

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